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B2B Append File Formatting

Help Center   ❯  FreshAddress Client Portal   ❯  Format Your File

Create two separate files:

  1. Your corporate postal records* that are missing emails  [*Note: Standard contracts include one file in and one file out. Any stitching and/or splitting of files may be subject to a nominal fee. Please direct any questions to your Account Executive or Project Manager.]
  2. As your project nears the messaging phase, we will request an unsubscribe file detailing the email addresses that have previously opted-out from your email communications.

Format the list designated in #1 above as a tab delimited text file (*.txt) with a header row. Please do not include quotes or other text qualifiers. The following fields are required unless otherwise noted:

You are welcome to use a file name of your choosing, however referencing the quantity of records will be helpful for our team’s QC of your data file:

[FreshAddress job number]_toprocess_[record count].txt
Ex: 1010_toprocess_500700.txt

Excluding brand fields or any other extra field necessary to process your job, your input file may contain up to 20 additional fields (which will be returned with your results for no additional fee).

Your file should not contain any unnecessary sensitive information of any kind, such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, financial information, birth dates and medical information. Files that contain any such data will be destroyed upon receipt.

FreshAddress will segment your results by engagement and deliver them in 3 tab-delimited text files with the following fields:

NOTE: Improperly-formatted lists will be charged a Data Formatting Fee and may cause delays in processing.

If you have any data formatting questions, contact the Client Services Team either via email or at 1-332-245-4415.