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Know your users
Reach new people you couldn’t otherwise identify and customize content for returning customers.

Go deeper
Add additional contact methods, demographics, and purchase intent of your visitors.

Align channels
Launch omnichannel marketing campaigns across postal, email, and display.

Email Retargeting
Send personalized emails to anonymous website visitors.

Understanding Website Visitor Identification

Website Visitor ID uses technology to analyze and interpret the behavior and actions of visitors on your website to link them back to a customer profile. This process is crucial for businesses and webmasters aiming to understand their audience better, improve user experience, and optimize their websites for better performance and increased conversions.

By leveraging data on website visitors, companies can enhance the user experience, optimize content and design, and ultimately drive more meaningful engagements and conversions. With the right approach, website visitor tracking becomes a powerhouse for data-driven decision-making and website optimization.

Essential Strategies for Success

Effective strategies for tracking website visitors entail employing a blend of methodologies designed to collect comprehensive data on visitor behavior, all while upholding principles of privacy. Here are some key things to consider:



Email Address

Reach customers in their inbox


Postal Address

Connect with customers at their mailbox



Engage customers with personalized, impactful content

Frequently Asked Questions

How can website visitor identification improve user experience?

Website visitor identification improves user experience by allowing site owners to understand who visitors are and how they interact with their site. Insights gained from tracking can inform site improvements, personalize user experiences, and ensure that content is relevant and engaging.

Is website visitor identification legal?

Website visitor identification is legal, but it must comply with privacy laws and regulations such as GDPR in Europe, CCPA in California, and other data protection laws. It’s important to obtain consent from visitors, and to clearly outline the use of tracking, identification, and other data collection methods in a privacy policy.

How does website visitor identification integrate with marketing strategies?

Website visitor identification integrates with marketing strategies by providing actionable data to inform retargeting efforts, content creation, advertising targeting, email marketing personalization, A/B testing decisions, and overall strategy adjustments based on user information, behavior, and preferences.

Identify More of Your Website Traffic for Improved Marketing Strategies

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