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What is the List Overview?

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Review your InstantData results on the List Overview page.

The List Overview dashboard gives a high-level review of your results for a particular list.

To begin, if you’d like to change the list name, you have the option to do so by clicking the small pencil icon next to the name, as highlighted below.


The List Overview contains a tab for each of the available services: “Email Validation,” “Email Intelligence,” and, if your list had names and postal addresses, “Email Append.” These are are circled in red below.


Under each tab, you can view result charts, match rates and select the data you need to purchase. If you did not select a service when you imported the list, but want to run it now, you’ll be given that option on each tab.

For more options, click the hamburger menu icon at the top right of the page, next to the blue “Get Results” button.

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Here, you can view the following options:


You can access a number of items related to Email Intelligence, if you ran the service, such as:

Additionally, you can access your Email Validation match report and you have the option to delete the selected list.

Please note: the Email Validation match report is only available post-results purchase OR immediately through the use of an integration.

Below is an example of some of the charts available for Email Intelligence service results

List Overview Match charts

as well as a demonstration of the match rates chart in the dashboard. 

List Overview match rates table

What can you expect in your results? Watch the video below to find out what’s in your results files:

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