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InstantData API Dashboard Guide

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This is a quick, comprehensive guide to help you use the InstantData API dashboard tools to their fullest potential. We’ll discuss


What’s on the Page?

API Documentation

By clicking the green button at the top right of the screen, you can access TowerData API documentation for each of our services. If you have questions about the technical aspects of our API setup, that button is for you.


API Search and Display Options 

Below the API Documentation button, you will see a Display All dropdown menu. You have the option to view Active API keys, Disabled API keys, or all API key data either by using the dropdown menu or using the search bar on the left of the page.



Please note, the disabled API key options will have a grey overlay.

Additionally, your filter choice will be stored, so you will not have to select again the next time you open InstantData.

To use the search function, please search by API key name.

API Monthly Summary

You’ll also see an overview summary of your API usage, including:

These are the key statistics of your API usage you’ll need to be aware of when using the TowerData API. They are found at the top of the API dashboard page.

API-usestats-NEW copy

API Activity

Below this summary, you’ll see a further breakdown of your account activity, as well as specific information related to your API keys.


This information includes your:

API Reports

For each API key, you have access to free downloadable reports.



These reports include your:

How to Upload a File Using Your API Key

It’s simple to upload your files using your API key. If you do not already have an API key, just follow these steps. If you do, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Upload File(s)
Within the API Dashboard, navigate to the appropriate key you would like the file processed under. 

Select the Actions button on the right and choose “Process List”.



You will be taken to the screen below. Here, you will drag and drop the file you would like processed into the upload area. 


Note the 25-record minimum does not apply.

CSV is our preferred file format, but any plain text (ASCII) file with one record per line should be processed without error, as well. Unless the file only contains email addresses, please include a header row. A description of header values we recognize and further formatting information is in our api documentation.

Step 2: File Processing
The file will immediately begin processing for the services associated with the API key. 


Step 3: Results Retrieval
When the file is complete, you will receive an email notification. That email will include a link to directly download results. 

You can also obtain results by navigating to the List section of InstantData, selecting your list, then selecting the blue “Download Results” button at the top right of the page.


Don’t forget about the great reporting that’s provided! Navigate to your API Dashboard and select from “Daily Stats,” “Monthly Stats,” “Fill Rates” or “Validation” to learn more about your data.

This is what a sample report looks like for Validation.


If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact your account representative or [email protected].