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List Guard Overview

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Email Addresses “Flip” From Good to Bad

As many as 6% of the email addresses in your previously verified SafeToSend file will “flip” to problematic over the next year as new spamtraps are created or recycled from previously good addresses along with honeypots and other dangerous domains. For example:

AtData’s List Guard provides constant protection from these bad email addresses

List Guard provides organizations a safety net by regularly monitoring their previously SafeToSend lists for toxic email addresses that can negatively impact email marketing programs and omnichannel targeting efforts.

List Guard provides an “always-on” monitoring solution that identifies email addresses that have become problematic over time and can threaten the success of an organization’s digital marketing campaigns.

It leverages industry-leading email hygiene technology based on approximately 2 billion monthly email activity signals across its proprietary network. In addition, List Guard taps into AtData’s AI-based machine learning models that analyze signal patterns that quickly and automatically detect malicious domain and email behavior.

List Guard Features

How to access List Guard

If you organization is interested in adding List Guard to your AtData services, please contact your AtData account representative or contact us here.