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How do I create an InstantData Account?

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Learn how to register for an account on our self-service platform, InstantData.

InstantData is a fast, simple and secure way to get the data you need to understand and connect with your customers.

Get started by heading to You’ll see the screen below.


On the signup page, you’ll see a bit of information to the left, including:

When you’re ready to set up your account, just enter the requested information in the form, create a password, and click the “I Agree to Terms and Conditions” checkbox. When you’ve done that, click the blue “Create My Account” button.


Once you click the button, you’ll see the following pop-up on your screen. Before using InstantData, you’ll need to verify your account. To do this, head to the inbox connected to the email you used to sign up, look for an email from InstantData and click the link in the email.


Once you click “OK” on the pop-up above, you’ll see the following screen:

Screen Shot 2020-03-23 at 11.34.30 AM

On this screen you have a few options. You can:

Or, you have the option to skip all of the above by clicking the blue “Skip It” text and head to the InstantData dashboard.

New users can test our Email Validation, Email Intelligence, and Email Activity Signals services for free on up to 100 records. Email Validation cleans your email list be removing bad email addresses and fixing syntax and spelling errors. Email Intelligence enhances your list with demographic and behavioral data so you can better understand who your customers are and personalize your messaging to them. Email Activity shows you how your customers behave in the inbox, helping you identify fraud or win back customers. 

Additionally, we offer Email Append and Postal Append services. Postal Append services are immediately available with Email Intelligence services, however Email Append services are not enabled by default. Please contact a member of our Sales team to begin using Email Append services. 

Ready to keep going? Check out the articles below to learn how to: