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Consolidated resources on everything email address intelligence
We all know that email addresses are critical to your company’s success. But, are you doing all you can to capture the highest volume of quality email addresses possible? Probably not, but that’s OK! These 9 tips will get you moving in...
MyLife.com, an online hub that allows registered users to manage their online information and connect with people from their past, has millions of registered users. As with every company that maintains one or more email lists, MyLife.com wrestles with churn....
A leading pet supply retailer turned to AtData for a reliable way to track down new email addresses for a large chunk of its loyalty club members and to update older and inactive addresses already in its database. The Challenge...
A name and an email address … times millions. Maggiano’s Little Italy started collecting this information about guests back when email loyalty programs were in their infancy. Back when the theory was that you didn’t ask people for more than...
Whether you get 100,000 visitors to your store per month or 50 million, ecommerce is missing out on opportunities. And the more traffic you get, the more you stand to gain by improving cart and purchase conversion rates using the...
We all use the catchphrase “spring cleaning,” but usually we’re talking about doing it around the house: hauling boxes of junk out of the basement, re-organizing the garage, power-washing porches, and raking the winter detritus from the yard to make...
At the Risk of Repeating Yourself… Have you noticed something different in your inbox lately? Actually, it’s not so much “different” as “the same.” That is, marketers resending email campaigns that you didn’t open, click or convert on the first...
According to a Nonprofit Donor Engagement Study released by NTEN, email has become a staple in nonprofit communication strategies. With over 52% of supporters engaging with their favorite organizations via email, and at nearly one third of the cost of...
If you’re seeking harbingers of spring, look no farther than your inbox. Spring is a relatively quiet time for email. Three of the year’s top 10 consumer holidays are over (Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Super Bowl, according to the National...
In my two earlier Only Influencers blog posts on customer loyalty and email, I focused mainly on converting B2C subscribers into loyal customers. But loyalty is a major concern for B2B marketers, too, especially for “Software as a Service” brands,...
Are you looking for a free email checker? If so, you’re not alone. According to Google’s Keyword Planner, the phrase “email checker” generates over 27,000 monthly searches. By comparison, there are only 18,100 monthly searches for the search term “email...
Recently, Phil Davis, AtData’s CBO, sat down for a quick fireside chat with a good friend and expert in fraud prevention for FinTech, Tim Li, CEO/Founder of Alchemy, a private labeled lending software company that powers BNPL, FinTechs and Banks...