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Among All Channels, Email Marketing Rules

Feb 17, 2012   |   1 min read

Knowledge Center  ❯   Blog

As a revenue generator, email marketing is the king of marketing channels. Studies consistently show that email marketing is among the top most effective marketing tactics and is the marketing method that yields the best return on investment (ROI).

Studies conducted by The Direct Marketing Association have consistently found that email marketing’s ROI beats every other marketing mode by a large margin. The latest DMA data showed that email marketing brings in $40.56 for every dollar spent. By comparison, the ROI for each dollar spent on catalog marketing is $7.30, search marketing $22.24, Internet display advertising $19.72, and mobile marketing $10.51.

Other studies support the DMA findings. For example, a Focus study released in 2011 also found that email was the top-performing marketing channel in terms of ROI.

Why is email marketing so effective? Email use is prevalent, and email marketing messages are relatively inexpensive, fast to deploy, easy to measure, and result in a high number of conversions.

In a past study conducted by DoubleClick, more than one-third of consumers said they had clicked on a message link immediately and made a purchase in the same session, while 78% of those surveyed said they had made an eventual purchase after receiving an email offer.

All these indicators show the importance of taking full advantage of the email marketing channel, which underscores the value that email appending services offer to marketers.

In recommending email appending, Arthur Middleton Hughes, senior strategist at e-Dialog related how one company on a regular basis sent 15 million-plus customer names quarterly for matching, and received an average of more than four million emails that were appended. The company sent messages asking if the customer would like to receive email and more than one million customers became active subscribers every quarter.

As these and other campaign results show, there are significant revenues to be reaped by stepping up your email campaigns, and even greater returns to be had by supercharging your list with email appending.

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