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TowerData Takes #CustFest: A Recap of America’s Customer Festival

Sep 24, 2014   |   1 min read

Knowledge Center  ❯   Blog

custfest-glen-richardsonLast week, I along with Katie and Thomas attended and sponsored America’s Customer Festival in Las Vegas. As we attended presentations and spoke with other attendees at our booth, three themes emerged:

Attendees visiting our booth were most interested in TowerData’s Email Intelligence service, which helps companies get to know their customers by matching demographic, interest and purchase data to email or postal addresses. At the conference, attendees were particularly interested in how our service can return this information in real-time through our API, giving them insight into their customers at the moment of acquisition.

Overall, America’s Customer Festival served to remind us that good customer service is not optional, and that companies can build a better customer experience by gathering and using relevant data about their customers.

Want to know more about TowerData’s Email Intelligence service? Click here to read our brochure!

Photo Credit: Glen Richardson

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