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6 Tips for Crafting Compelling Email Content

May 12, 2015   |   3 min read

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compellingemailcontentWhen it comes to email subscribers enjoy, messages fall into one of two categories. First, there’s the “I’ll save this for later” pile. Then there’s the “I can’t wait to read this right now!” stack. In which category do your messages fall?

When it comes to creating powerful email copy, including valuable information is only half the battle. To keep your subscribers engaged, you must write content that keeps them hooked. Your copy needs to be so enticing, your readers would be willing to skip their subway stop just to finish.

With the development of apps like Pocket and Instapaper, the “read-later” email is a growing phenomenon. While the option for consumers to read content where, when and how they like could mean they’re reading more, as a marketer, falling into the “read-now” category should always be your top priority. Fortunately, with the right content, you can make your emails so mind-blowingly interesting, your subscribers will stop in their tracks to read what you send, the moment you send it.

Here are our top six tips for irresistible email content:

1. Keep it Short

There’s a lot of information you want to share with your audience: updates, discounts, stories, advice, knowledge, resources and more. The list could go on and on, but your email should not. Emails are a unique genre of writing, with unique rules and best practices. Given the average person spends over 15 hours consuming content each day, you need to marry brilliance with brevity.

Respect your subscribers’ time by paring down your message. If necessary, link to additional details on a website landing page.

2. Keep it Fresh

While it’s highly recommended you recycle topics you’ve covered before, it’s important to put a fresh spin on things. If you’re not willing to invest your time writing, why should your subscribers invest their time reading?

3. Remember: Feelings First, Facts Second

As Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” You can share all sorts of useful email messages with your reader, but it’s likely they’ll forget it all as soon as they close your email-unless you made them feel an emotion like excitement, amusement or surprise.

Which brings us to the next tip:

4. Use a Human Voice

The best brands are those that have honed a unique, recognizable style or voice. In other words, they capture their company culture and personality in their writing, which helps their readers identify with them and opens the door for consumer trust and emotional connection. Just like you, your brand has a voice. Use it!

5. Keep it Current

In the age of social media, using trending or buzzworthy topics in your copy can help readers relate, and keeps your brand relevant. If your company isn’t naturally “trendy,” aim to bridge the gap by sharing topics that are.

6. Leverage Data

“A key to producing effective inbound email content…is to not bombard or overwhelm readers with random offers that do not apply to them,” says Courtney Eckerle, Manager of Editorial Content at MECLABS. “Part of developing trust is practicing considerate marketing by providing them with content that will appeal to them.”

In other words, crafting compelling content means personalizing your copy according to what each segment of subscribers wants to see. A home improvement store, for example, may send out an email with tips on remodeling projects for homeowners and an email on storage tips for renters. As you approach email personalization, you need to gather enough information on your subscribers to make the strategy happen.

By utilizing these tips, you can craft interesting, compelling content your subscribers will eagerly gobble up and yearn for more.

Ready to craft email content that truly resonates with your audience? Download our eBook on modernizing your email marketing program, and learn how to acquire and leverage your customer data.

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