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Over 50 billion records verified

That’s a lot of email addresses

Millions of known toxic emails

It only takes one spam trap to create problems

Trusted since 1999

20+ years of experience helping global businesses

100% SafeToSend Guarantee

If we say it’s Valid Safe-To-Send, we mean it

Mailbox Check

AtData’s proprietary mailbox technology uses both on-demand SMTP and APIs to attempt to confirm the validity of the mailbox or local-part of the email address. There’s art and science here and with our team’s smarts and experience we know no one does it better.

Domain Check

There are now hundreds of millions of domains and, with exceptions for the major mailbox providers, their status is in a constant state of change. AtData confirms the domain’s MX records are valid and properly configured to accept mail.

Syntax & Correction Technology

Common typos like @gmial or yaho present missed opportunities and introduce potentially problematic data into your database. AtData confirms compliance with RFC standards, fixes typos, syntax errors, formatting and more with patented technology. Rely on the experts for complete coverage.

Spam Trap & Toxic Data Protection

Identifying potentially damaging (but deliverable) data is of critical importance and AtData has the best tech for spam traps, honey pots, frequent spam complainers, role accounts, disposable domains, and just plain bogus and malicious emails. Too broad a brush and good data is lost, too narrow and traps leak in and negatively impact your reputation. Our dedicated specialists are here to save you time; we do the research for you to ensure toxic data is flagged and prevented from entering or removed from your database.

Enhanced Business to Business Validation

When we look at an average b2c list we see the majority of the emails distributed across the major mailbox providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail. When it comes to b2b things look much different with a wide distribution across thousands of domains. Those domains can vary in how they behave and it takes experience and expertise to interpret responses. AtData’s technology is unsurpassed for b2b data, minimizing the “unknown” rate so you can validate with confidence.

Digital Signals & Artificial Intelligence

In addition to the SMTP and API technologies to validate mailboxes, the AtData Team leverages the billions of monthly signals we see for email addresses and creates algorithms to maximize the accuracy of our results.

Data Security

Your first party data is of critical importance, we understand that. AtData’s security details can be found here. Most notable is our ISO27001 and Soc2 certifications. And our service is hosted on Amazon Web Services.

Speed & SLAs

Whether you’re using our automated batch processing or our single-call API, we know speed is of utmost importance. Email Verification does include dependence on the mail server, so while not as fast as a single database lookup, we see under 1 second response time on average. By leveraging multiple regions within the AWS ecosystem we can provide you with thorough, reliable and fast response.

The Email Address Experts

All of the above is supported by our team of Email Experts. We think no other Email Verification provider in the world has this level of experience and expertise. Reach out to us to chat about your Email Address Intelligence needs.

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