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Top 5 Emails Your B2C/Retail Business Should be Sending

Mar 12, 2015   |   3 min read

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b2c_email_marketing_strategySo, you think you’ve got your email marketing strategy perfectly designed. You’re sending out emails announcing upcoming sales and promotions and triggered, transactional emails covering things like online ordering and shipments. Subscribers love your well-crafted coupons and rewards, and all analytics point to success. However, did you know there’s still more you can do?

Today, we’re going to do more “show” than “tell.” To help you continue improving your strategy and pleasing your customers, check out these five emails retail and B2C business should be sending:

1. Welcome New Customers


It’s no secret your prospects are receiving a lot of email. So, when a customer provides their email address to you, knowing it means more communications for their inbox, it’s as if they’ve just given you a precious gift. And, just like your mother taught you, it’s polite to respond to a gift with a thank-you note.

Payless Shoes achieves this feat well. To get started, the company asks new customers to complete a short online profile, which provides Payless with valuable information on customer preferences. In return, Payless rewards the customer with a generous offer. The email is short, sweet and immediately sets the relationship off on the right foot.

2. New Product Announcements


One of the most effective strategies for building brand ambassadors is by making them feel like they’re an elite group always “in the know.” After all, when the new season’s products come in, you want to do everything you can to drive traffic to your store.

White House | Black Market certainly knows how to create cache around their clothing. The upscale women’s clothing retailer knows its clientele wants to stay on top of industry trends. Their new product announcement email below not only keeps them informed, it provides helpful advice to make the new trend work for them.

3. Product Advice


Speaking of helpful advice, few things are more frustrating than coming home with an exciting new purchase and realizing you don’t know how to use the item. Follow up on your customers and send them helpful tips on how to get the most from your products.

As might be expected, Apple offers their A-game in this arena. Consumers who sign up for Family Sharing on their Apple devices receive this helpful email that walks the reader step-by-step through everything they need to know about getting started.

4. Shopping Cart Reminders


Did you know as many as 77% of online shopping carts are abandoned? In some cases, this is because customers are comparison shopping elsewhere. However, it could also be due to a simple interruption mid-transaction, or a prospect who still isn’t fully convinced. If that’s the case, it’s in your best interest to gently nudge the customer in the right direction. If you don’t, your customer may never return to the cart.

This email from e-commerce retailer Fab is a great way to turn around cart abandonment. The bright, beautiful product image reminds the customer of the item they felt compelled to choose, and the bold red “Buy Now” button, as well as the clearly evident the phone number and email link, all make it easy to take action. Finally, the “limited quantities” notice gives the message a sense of urgency.

5. Loyalty Builders


Most retailers don’t want just new customers, they want loyal new customers. So, it only makes sense to put measures in place to reward consumer loyalty. Sure, customers expect the usual points programs and punch cards. But, every now and then, take it a step further with an unexpected bonus.

Clothing retailer American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) achieves this well with their rewards program by surprising members with random 20% off coupons. Thanks to clean design, the email makes it easy to use the coupon either online or in a store. This little gift not only makes customers feel good, it also encourages them to make a return purchase.

As you can see, the key to getting the most from your email strategy is to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Always ask: what will genuinely help my subscribers? Send helpful, friendly and encouraging emails, and your subscribers reward you with their business.

Looking for expert assistance in launching your campaigns to new heights? Download our free eBook and get a greater ROI on your email strategy.

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