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Personalization, Automation and the Tools + Data You Need to Make an Impact

Jun 17, 2021   |   1 min read

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Personalization Automation and the Tools + Data You Need to Make an Impact

Sure, you could run a successful email marketing program without optimal personalization and automation, but would your ROI match up to your time and effort?

There are countless tools and pieces of customer data at your disposal to make personalizing and automating content miles easier. But before you can choose the right tool for your business, there needs to be a fundamental understanding of what personalization is, the role automation plays and the data you need to make a difference.

What is Personalization?

In the simplest terms, personalization is customization that is relevant to an individual. Now, personalization in email marketing goes leagues beyond that quick definition, especially when you bring data into the picture.

For example, you could add a First Name token to your email message, but what if you looked at your data and discovered the individual is (most likely) a mother and lives in California? To make the message even more relevant, you could add a few links to products for mothers or highlight your brick & mortar locations in the individual’s city.

Planning with Personalization

Today, personalization is more than just a first name token. Customers expect relevant content based on their wants and needs, and those are accessible through data and a variety of email marketing tools.

Once you have those tools in place, it becomes easier to not only personalize content but create highly targeted lists with segmentation and automation! For example, that email you’re sending to the mom in California probably won’t entice the father who likes to hunt out in Colorado.

By using the data you have, you can segment your database into various lists that can then be placed into specific workflows that send highly targeted content to the right individuals in the right place at the right time. Automation excels when it’s fueled by data.

This is just a snippet of what you’ll learn when you watch our webinar with our friends at GreenRope. Click below to start watching!

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