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Spark Engagement with These 6 Email Newsletter Strategies

Aug 13, 2018   |   2 min read

Knowledge Center  ❯   Blog

Email Newsletter StrategiesThe term “newsletter” sounds ancient. It sounds like a pamphlet sent out by your condo association, or a handout in your dentist’s office.

But a study by Forrester found that one in five people read every email newsletter they receive. If you’re not sending out an email newsletter, you could be missing a big opportunity.

Here are a few tips to help you drive huge engagement through your company’s email newsletter.

1. Be Regular

People are creatures of habit. Give your subscribers something to expect by sending a scheduled newsletter. And don’t resort to selling. Your subscribers expect a helpful, relevant email. Meet their needs.

2. Use a Clean, Simple Format

Less is more. Don’t overstuff your newsletter with copy, images or videos. Instead, use a format that is mobile friendly and easy to digest. Make sure it renders on mobile devices, and that readers can skim it in line at the coffee shop.

3. Share the Love

Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself – this is your newsletter, after all. But take time to recognize partners and industry news. Share success stories, other great blog posts or timely pieces. Don’t be shy about linking out to others, but be sure those you call out are willing to return the favor.

4. Think Outside the Box

A newsletter doesn’t have to be traditional. It can be any format you choose, and anything that makes the most sense for your subscribers. For example, outdoor retail brand Huckberry includes weekly “diversions” in its email newsletter. Their newsletter links to travel or lifestyle articles, as well as a song on heavy rotation.

5. Set Goals and Measure

What is your goal? Know this early on and make it measurable. For example, say you want to increase traffic to your blog or grow your email open rate. Know your email marketing analytics and measure your progress. Having goals will help you understand the success of your newsletters.

6. Review and Revise

Once you’ve launched your newsletter, review the results. If you didn’t see the engagement you expected, look for ways to optimize.

Test things such as:

With these tips, you can make a newsletter that boosts your email engagement and keeps your brand top of mind.

Complete, accurate customer data is key to a successful newsletter. Remember: The more you know about your subscribers, the better you can personalize your content.

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