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Tout Makes Email Smarter

Mar 3, 2011   |   1 min read

Knowledge Center  ❯   Blog

Are you a budding entrepreneur promoting your business to bloggers, other entrepreneurs and investors? Or are you a PR person sending out tens of the same email each day, reaching out to publications on behalf of your client? Sure, you could blast out a mass mail merge message. But personalizing the message to your audience can get you a much higher response rate…and goodwill from your recipients.

Tout can help you solve that pain. Tout is a new service that helps you schedule and send out your repetitive emails on a daily basis. In addition, to help you personalize your emails to the people you are contacting, Tout uses Rapleaf’s data to instantly provide you with more information on the person you are emailing. Their age, gender, location and interests can quickly suggest to you how to personalize that specific email. Even one line can make a difference.

For example, if you were to send a cold email to Tawheed, you would not only include your main message, but could add something about where he lives. “P.S. Are you in Connecticut? Hope you’re staying warm up there!” This helps build rapport with and invites your recipient to get to know you better.

Check out how you can personalize your application with Rapleaf data.

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