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1/3 of Marketers Believe Personalized Campaigns are Highly Effective

Jul 26, 2011   |   1 min read

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Personalization is changing marketing, and marketers are beginning to understand that one-size-fits-all campaigns might not be the most effective type of marketing. According to new data released by eMarketer, when it comes to effectiveness, personalizing email marketing campaigns may be the way to go.

Research conducted by web content management provider EPiServer in March reveals that one-third of U.S. marketers found personalized campaigns “highly effective and measurable.” Furthermore, 14% of the study’s respondents indicated that personalized campaigns generated a better response rate than generic mass-market campaigns.

The answer seems to be in the technology. Most believe the technology, tools, and software available isn’t good enough. In addition, 45% indicated they believed their company’s personalized campaigns would be more effective if they had more relevant data, adding that a big challenge for them is integration of customer data across various digital channels.

EPiServer’s research also indicated that two-thirds of marketers plan to implement personalized campaigns in the next six to 12 months, so marketers seem to be realizing the importance of the strategy. By personalizing campaigns for smaller subsets of a business’ audience, marketers can deliver more targeted messages based on that subset’s specific interests, wants, and needs, resulting in a more rewarding return-on-investment.

While many believe personalized campaigns to be more effective, the majority — 64% — still aren’t offering personalized content on their websites today. If so many marketers believe in the effectiveness of personalization, why aren’t more of them creating personalized campaigns?

Have you experimented with personalized marketing campaigns? What kinds of results have you experienced?

Read the full eMarketer report here.

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